this is basically a directory of a bunch of sites i like- resources, other neocities, etc. making this site is a collaborative effort from a bunch of different websites and pages, whether they be pages to edit things, hosting stuff, things i take inspiration from, anything. i hope that maybe exploring my site (and exploring the sites of those who have inspired me) inspires you to carve your own little hole on the internet.
if you would like, link back to me with these buttons!
check out my boyfriend's neocity! i helped him make it and i'm sure he'd appreciate the traffic.
resources i use
catbox.moe ;; file hosting service. all my images are hosted here.
pixel world ;; where i get a bunch of the pixels i use.
engrampixel ;; more pixels. pokemon ones.
ezgif ;; i use this to edit a lot of my images and convert files.
remove.bg ;; literally exactly what it sounds like.
pokemon database ;; the most useful pkmn resource you will ever find.
sadgrl.online ;; layout generator + button maker. how i made my buttons.
neocities i love